At Wingham and Valley Vets we know that accurate diagnosis is the cornerstone of good quality medicine. Our ultrasonography service and top-quality ultrasound equipment allow us to routinely obtain diagnoses which previously required referral to a specialist centre, or invasive exploratory surgery.
Ultrasound is an indispensable tool to diagnose many conditions of large and small animals, particularly those involving soft tissues, such as organs in the abdomen or chest. A full abdominal ultrasound yields a huge amount of information about your pet’s health. Even a ‘normal’ abdominal ultrasound scan is highly useful, as it rules out a multitude of potentially life-threatening conditions.
Ultrasound scanning uses high frequency sound waves to produce images of structures within the body. Some sound waves are absorbed by body tissues and others bounce back.
The ultrasound machine measures the sound waves that bounce back and transforms them into an image on a screen. Extensive training is required in order to correctly use this equipment and interpret these images. Ultrasound is most useful for looking at soft-tissue structures and organs like the liver, kidney, intestines, bladder and heart. It is less effective for examining bones (unlike x-rays).
If it is an emergency ultrasound, we will do it immediately.
For routine ultrasounds we will book an appointment and depending on the nature of their symptoms, may admit them to hospital for the day. Since ultrasound is a painless procedure, most animals will allow a full examination without sedation, particularly if the owner can stay for the procedure. However, you should bring your pet in fasted on the morning of admission, as they may need to be sedated to ensure we can get high quality images. In addition, special intestinal tract scans may require 24 hours of fasting.
Usually your pet will need to be shaved over the area that is being scanned. During the scan a gel is applied over the clipped area to be examined and a transducer (probe) is placed on the skin.
Once the scan has been done we will give you a call or book an appointment for our veterinarians to show you the images and to discuss the diagnosis and treatment plan for your pet. However if you wish, you may be present during your pet’s ultrasound.
We also have a state-of-the art Digital Radiography suite. This modern, gold-standard radiographic equipment ensures our radiographs are best quality, so we can diagnose your pet accurately and quickly, which is especially important in emergency situations.
Our digital radiography suite also allow us to readily send images to Veterinary Specialists for review, so your pet can always access the advice and treatment that they need, when they need it.
Here are a few reasons why your pet may require an ultrasound at Wingham & Valley Vets:
To confirm pregnancy and assess foetal viability as well as for the management of ‘high risk’ pregnancies (in conjunction with progesterone monitoring at breeders’ request):
Such as chronic vomiting, diarrhoea, inappetance, abdominal pain and unexplained weight loss.
This could include murmurs or arrhythmias.
Such as blood in the urine, painful urination or increased frequency.
Our staff and hospital have undergone an international accreditation process and staff are trained in how to handle cats sensitively, to minimise fear and anxiety and our hospital facilities must meet specific criteria so cats are housed comfortably in a low-stress environment.
Our friendly team is here to assist you with all your veterinary needs. Booking an appointment is quick and easy.