Your pet’s comfort and safety are our priority. Every pet is loved and important and so we pride ourselves on our best practice approach to general anaesthesia and surgery to minimise any risk to your pet, and to ensure that their surgical procedure is as stress-free and safe as possible.
We offer competitive prices for surgical desexing of all species including dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets and guinea pigs, as well as farm animals such as cattle, horses, pigs, goats, alpacas and sheep. Our Veterinarians are experienced, caring and focused on the safety, comfort and wellbeing of your beloved pet.
Every pet is examined by an experienced Veterinarian prior to anaesthesia to ensure they are in good health. Any concerns will be discussed with you and if indicated, the Vet may recommend a preanaesthetic blood test (these are available to all pets at their owners’ request and can be run in-house on the day of surgery.)
Every patient is administered a premedication to reduce their stress and provide pain relief which results in a safer, more stable anaesthetic and a comfortable pain-free recovery.
An intravenous catheter is placed prior to anaesthesia. This allows instantaneous intravenous access for drugs in the event of an anaesthetic emergency, and also the administration of intravenous fluids.
Intravenous fluids are administered throughout surgery to maintain your pet’s blood pressure and to help them recover more quickly from their anaesthesia.
Every anaesthetized patient has a fully qualified and experienced Veterinary nurse constantly monitoring and recording the anaesthetic from induction to full recovery.
The safest anaesthetic agents are chosen every time, whether the patient is deemed ‘high risk’ or not.
We use advanced monitoring equipment – including blood pressure, blood oxygen levels, expired carbon dioxide levels and constant core body temperature monitoring.
All animals receive temperature support either via a thermostatically controlled heat mat or Bair Hugger (warm air blanket) to prevent hypothermia during anaesthesia. We have a state-of-the-art heated surgery table, to ensure our patients' body temperature is maintained. This is especially important for longer surgeries or for very small patients and exotics, who are much more prone to hypothermia during anaesthesia.
Staff are highly trained in the special anaesthetic requirements of ‘brachycephalic’ breeds (e.g. Pugs, Bulldogs, Boston Terriers, French Bulldogs). General anaesthesia in these pets is higher risk because of the special anatomy of their airways. Our Veterinarians have undertaken additional training in the safe anaesthesia of Brachycephalic breeds, and so they know what precautions to take to maximise the safety of their general anaesthetic and they also know what to do in the unlikely event of an emergency.
Every animal undergoing desexing must have good quality pain relief to ensure they are comfortable in recovery and once they have gone home. All our patients are administered pain relief before surgery and more is given during the surgery where required.
All pets are given a pain relief injection after surgery that lasts 24 hours and except in special circumstances, all pets go home with extra oral pain relief for several days.
In addition to this take-home pain relief, we also routinely perform local anaesthetic blocks and where indicated, pain relief infusions to ensure our desexing patients are free from pain in the post-operative period.
- Special treatment for known anxious animals
- Fear-free handling techniques
- Pre-visit medication which is taken the evening before and morning of the surgery to reduce your pet’s anxiety prior to their visit to the hospital
- A sedation/pain relief injection on arrival to help them settle and remain calm prior to surgery.
- Comfortable, clean bedding at all times.
- Gentle soothing handling at all times.
- Cats are admitted in a dedicated cat-only consultation room, transported directly to the dedicated cat ward and they are also anaesthetised in this location so they at no point cross paths with a dog
- A soft warm cat ‘igloo’ for cats to hide in during their hospital stay and spacious, comfortable cat condos
- Anaesthetic drugs that are known to promote a smooth, gentle recovery.
- Exceptional pain relief measures.
Animals with skin sutures will require a complimentary revisit appointment 10-14 days after surgery for a recheck of the wound and suture removal.
If you prefer that your pet has dissolvable intradermal sutures placed instead, that do not require removal, please notify us at the time of booking your pet’s appointment. Or you can request this during your pet's admission appointment on the morning of their surgery.
Our friendly team is here to assist you with all your veterinary needs. Booking an appointment is quick and easy.